Dating Tips | Dos and Don’ts of Dating a Colombian Woman

So you were able to walk up to a Colombian woman and ask her to go on a date with you. The next thing to do is to not mess it up and aim for a second date with her. Of course, this is not easy. The first date is the most difficult, especially when you are dating a Latina — one of the most traditional women in the world. But don’t fret because we have summarized the basic dating tips that are essential in Colombian dating culture so you can sweep her off her feet:
- A simple compliment goes a long way.
- Look good, smell good.
- Do not disrespect their strong family ties.
- Mind your manners.
- Do not hesitate to be chivalrous
- Learn a little Spanish.
- Do not miss the chance to dance with her.
- They are in this for the long run.
It has always been known to foreign people and even Latinas themselves that they are gorgeous women. But it is still important for them to be appreciated. Compliment her dress or her smile — everything about her that makes her beautiful.
Flattery, however, is a tricky business to navigate. You don’t want to overdo your compliments if you don’t want to run the risk of coming across as creepy or disingenuous. So always balance it out.
Yes, you have to dress well but you do not need an expensive suit. You just have to know which clothes are appropriate in every venue. Wearing closed-toe shoes and tucking in your shirt are preferred. Also, keep in mind to take good care of your personal hygiene. Body odor is always a no-no.
You should know how much family matters in the life of Colombian women. This is the center of her world. This means that whatever she does, her family will always be part of it. You have to value that unless you want to lose her.
Remember what your mom used to tell you about table etiquette? That may come in handy when dating a Latina. Lack of table manners can definitely turn her off. This also applies to conversations. Make sure you know which topics are appropriate. Keep in mind that topics about Pablo Escobar and even the TV series Narcos are some of the deal breakers in Colombian dating culture.
Since Latinas are traditional women, which is an endearing Colombian personality trait, they will also be expecting a traditional way when it comes to dating. It is good to expose the gentleman in you when dating a Colombian woman. You can open the doors for her, bring her bag (if she allows), get her coat, pay the bill, and never forget the most important part in every date — walk her home.
Try to learn simple compliments, like te ves hermosa esta noche or me gusta tu sonrisa. Your Colombian woman may be good in English, but it is never wrong to impress her in trying to speak her language.
It is undeniable that Colombians love dancing. Expect to bear witness to her passion for dancing when she hears the beat of salsa, cumbia, and reggaeton. When dating a Colombian woman, prepare yourself to dance because any time of the day she will ask you to, and it's rude to refuse. You will own the dance floor and show her your moves. You do not need to be a good dancer. The effort you made will be very much appreciated, or even rewarded.
And the most important dating tip . . .
You have to keep that in mind when dating a Colombian woman. The moment she gave you a chance to go on a date with her, she also gave you a chance to show her your willingness to be in a commitment. Latinas are loving and passionate, and it has been instilled in their minds that they are going to build a family of their own. They are prepared for the future. Show her that spending it with you is worth it.